2000 Weymouth - UK

We drove from Cardiff own to the South Coast of England, we arrived at our Bed and Breakfast to find out were were on the top floor that was so high we actually looked down on the Pigeons. The pressure in the room's shower was so weak that we  had to run around in the shower to get wet !

In the evening we walked down to the harbour an enjoyed a very good meal of Red snapper and seared Tuna.

The following day we drove over to Lulworth cove, which has some spectacular views over the coastline. We stopped off at a local pub for a Ploughman's lunch.

The next day we drove to Portland, we stopped off at Portland Bill lighthouse  for coffee and scones.We also visited a ruined castle, and old abandoned church and a stone quarry. We then took a tour of Henry the VIII's Portland castle.

The next morning we drove over to the town of Poole and took a boat trip around the huge natural harbour.

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