We had to return to the UK to attend the funeral but our travel plans did not quite go the way we wanted. We turned up at Paphos in good time only to find out that our flight had been delayed by 2 hours.
A large electrical storm with heavy rain then hit the Paphos area meaning that our incoming plane was diverted to Larnaca airport. By the time our plane reached Paphos the airport crew had gone over their working hours. At 2.00 am we were the bussed to Paphos and spent the night at the Azia hotel.
The one thing we did notice was that the mainly British passengers, showed great patience and took the delay with the usual good humour despite the slow updates of any news from the airline. The next day we returned to Paphos airport and flew to Birmingham airport.
The funeral was held in Redditch and Edith's grandchildren made some very moving and heart felt speeches.
We then drove into Redditch for a bite to eat, as Rob got out of the taxi the heel on his shoe came apart meaning that he had to "clip-clop" along the high street looking for a shoe shop. That brought a smile to our faces at the end of a sad day.

The next day we managed to do some shopping before enjoying our evening meal at the Shahi Palace Indian restaurant, the food and the service were superb.