On Tuesday we were kindly invited to The Hillview restaurant in Pissouri by Mike and Tina to help celebrate Mike's 70th Birthday. The Hillview has a lovely setting and and as usual the food was of a very high standard. We shared a lovely evening with plenty of laughs.
To end the Month,on Wednesday Rob bought a Fitness tracker , The Garmin vivosmart HR, in the hope of getting back a bit of fitness after the recent spell of hot weather.
On Saturday evening, along with Jan, we went down to the Platea taverna in Pissouri square, the entertainment was provided by the talented Dominic Holmes who played a variety of different musical styles.
On Sunday we joined a number of friends from Pissouri for a beach BBQ at Melanda beach. The was a superb selection of food that each person brought to the table and with a few cold drinks, everyone have a very enjoyable afternoon.
Back in the UK, Rob's cousin Lisa attended a celebration event where she met one of the GB Olympic hockey (Gold Medal) players, Sam Quek. Unbeknown to Lisa, Mandy's niece, Tanith, was also at the same event. We found this only because they both separately posted on Facebook. After reading their posts we contacted them via Facebook to tell them both that they were in the same room, they soon found each other....the wonders of modern Technology.
This week we were lucky enough to see the beautiful Orange"Corn moon" rising over our village. From early evening the moon rose and changed colour, setting a wonderful backdrop over Pissouri.
On Sunday afternoon we popped down to the Grape & Grain in Pissouri Bay with Jan and Alun to listen to Glenn Barnes singing live.
Sad News, a fire broke out in our local village church, St Andrews, causing damage to some precious artefacts.
Back in South Wales, Jude celebrated being 11 months old.
On Friday evening we went down to The Bunch of Grapes restaurant, we enjoyed a lovely meal in their delightful courtyard. We then walked over to the Flamingo bar to watch Kirsty Dewar sing live in the square.
Whilst we were at the Bunch of Grape we met Nikos who told us all about the village festival that he is organising next Month, it looks like a great day out.
We saw some great shots of our Small Island (Cyprus) taken from Space.
On a very humid Friday evening we popped down to the Grape and Grain in Pissouri bay to watch the band "Black Cabb". A large crowd gathered in the courtyard while the band played for over three hours.
Meanwhile back in South Wales, Lisa was a bridesmaid at her friend's wedding and Jude had a day out with his mum in a local Park.
On Sunday we made our way over to the Olympus Palace restaurant to celebrate Nikki's birthday and enjoy and an afternoon of Karaoke.