Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Kyrenia beach and Friendly Labradors.

On a beautiful, Sunny afternoon we joined Mike and Tina for a Sunday lunch down at Kyrenia beach restaurant. The Mediterranean sea looked a picture with its various colours of Blue.

After lunch we returned to Pissouri and had a "Sun-downer" at Mike and Tina's house with its spectacular view of the coast from their garden.

On the way home we stopped off to play with two beautiful Labradors that live at a neighbour's house in Pissouri.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Introducing Cari and The Cyprus cookery School

We are thrilled to announce the News of the arrival of Cari, a daughter for Sarah and Lee.
Cari was born on the 26th May 2017 weighing in at 8 pounds 13 ounces and a beautiful little Sister for Jude.

The Ladies (plus 2 gents) of Pissouri had a day out at the Cyprus cookery school in the village of  Paramytha. The lesson included tips on making bread, pasta, sauces and deserts. All of the "Pupils" has a wonderful day out and hope to return later in the year

Monday, May 22, 2017

Day 5 - A Sunny day in Lapta and Lunch in Ampeli

This morning we woke to find the sun shinning and a light breeze, after an excellent breakfast we relaxed on the Almond's new terrace that overlooks the pool and the spectacular mountain range.

All too soon it was time to say Goodbye to our friends and make our way back to Southern Cyprus after enjoying a lovely short break.

We drove back to Pissouri and had lunch in The Ampeli restaurant whch was advertising a new Sunday buffet. The Ampeli  has superb views along the Valley with The Troodos in the background.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Day 4 - A close shave and Sheena's birthday .

The day started with thunderstorms and heavy rain, but by the time we made the short drive into Kyrenia town the clouds had parted and the sun shone.
While the ladies did some shopping, Bryan and Rob visited a barber's shop for a haircut, shave and wax.

In the evening, as the sound of thunder echoed around the mountains,  ten of Sheena's friends gathered at The Almond tree hotel to help celebrate her birthday complete with a custom made 'Pantie' cake and some live guitar music.

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Day 3 - The Harbour and The Almond

Today we were due to get thunderstorms in the Kyrenia area, this was disappointing News to hear because we were booked for a day's sailing on the 'Vela' and with the weather reports, the Captain decided to cancel the sailing.

We decided to still go down to the harbour, it was a lovely morning but we could see the 'Witecaps' breaking out at sea from the breakwater.

We then made our way over to our next Hotel , The Almond village, which lies in the Lapta area, with its friendly service, comfortable rooms, beautiful pool area and stunning grounds this is probably the finest Hotel that we have stayed in, in Cyprus.

At the rear of the Hotel is a vegetable garden, a chicken coop and a pen with 3 Ostriches.

In the afternoon we were joined by our friends from Pissouri, Sheena and Bryan and we enjoyed a lovely meal at the poolside restaurant.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Day 2 - A visit to Local Villages and Rateswitch

A family story to make us proud, its regarding Rob's cousin , Lee.

Today a UK National newspaper printed a report on Our Lee's morgage company, Rateswitch

Day 2 in Kyrenia.......

We woke up to overcast skies so we jumped in the car and drove Eastwards on the coast road. We soon came upon a 3 car accident, thankfully there was no one seriously injured.

Our first stop was the village of Tatlisu, this small, picturesque village that lies in the shadow of the Pentadaktylos mountains. The streets of this village were almost deserted except for several cats standing guard at the local Mosque

Our next stop was the village of Esentepe, here we found a much livelier village square and after a quick coffee we strolled around the streets stopping off to see the bird aviary in the local square.

Day 1 of A short break in the North of Cyprus

We took time out to take a short break in the North of Cyprus,we drove from Pissouri and crossed the border in Nicosia and drove on to Kyrenia, the total driving time  time was 2 hours 20 minutes.

We checked into The Olive Tree Hotel, we had a spot of Lunch and spent the afternoon relaxing by the pool.

In the Evening we went down to the village Çatalköy and  after a stroll around the narrow streets we happened upon the Seangle bar which had superb views across the sea to mainland Turkey.

We then to returned to The Olive Tree for a very agreeable meal overlooking the pool area

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Two Friends and the Piano men

We popped down to Pissouri square and met up with Jan and Alun, we had a quick drink in the Pissouri square bar and then strolled around to The two friends taverna and enjoyed a lovely dinner.

We then moved onto the Platea taverna to watch a tribute act of Billy Joel and Eton John. We finished off an very enjoyable evening with a nightcap at the Iron Horse.