Friday, October 20, 2023

Herculaneum and Sorrento

 Our third day started with a short walk to the Porta Nolana railway station in Naples where we boarded the train to Herculaneum. The first thing that you notice about the local trains is that they are covered in graffiti. 

At Ercolano station we left the train for the twenty minute walk to Herculaneum, which contains the ruins of a Roman City that was destroyed by the same volcano that destroyed Pompeii in AD 79.

It is a fascinating piece of history to see as the buildings and streets that are in such a remarkable condition. There are even skeletons of the people in the boathouse who tried to flee via sea.

We then hopped back on the train for the ride to Sorento, this train was packed with travellers and was quite hot and muggy.

Arriving at Sorento we stopped off near the local square for a well earned sandwich and a glass of cold beer.

We then walked down to Villa Comunale di Sorrento which is a public garden with tremendous views of the Bay of Naples and the coastline to the South.

There is an elevator in the gardens that takes you down to the beach and to the port, where we came upon a small bar to await our ferry back to Naples.

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