Friday, May 24, 2024

Pomos - Day 2 - Kato Pyrgos

 The wind had picked up during the night so we awoke to the waves crashing against the rocks below.

After breakfast we took the short drive to the small village of Pachyammos where we visited the church of Agios Raphael.The church is fronted by a large square and at the rear of the church are superb views of the coast line.

We then took the scenic drive that heads inland and steeply weaves it's way through the Pafos forest. The temperatures noticeably dropped as drove through this meandering forest road with its dramatic views to the coastline below.

We then dropped quickly back to the coast and enter the town of Kato Pyrgos. We strolled through the tree line main street stopping to see the magnificent Oak tree.

We then stopped off for a coffee before visiting the Church of Saints Constantine and Helen, the local fishing shelter and the small amphitheatre. 

We headed back Pomos and stopped off at the 
Kanalli Restaurant that overlooks Pomos fisherman's harbour and the spectacular view of the surrounding bay.

At the Kanalli Restaurant we enjoy a very good grilled fish lunch.

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